We provide a platform through research and engagement for the voices and experiences of everyday people, who often go unheard, to be heard, respected and recognised.

Our truly culturally-diverse and experienced team allows us to connect with people from diverse communities in ways that many can’t.


Our research has taken us around the world where we’ve had over 1000 conversations with a diverse mix of communities

We know a lot about

Public health & community engagement

Peer & community research

Children and young people


People facing hardships and multiple challenges

Diverse consumers (and their habits)

People with protected characteristics

Black, Asian and minority groups

Monitoring & evaluation

We can support you with

Audience Insight

Want to better understand a community or a group of people you do not know too well? We can help you do just that!

Monitoring & Evaluation

You ever wondered how much of an impact your service / programme / intervention is making on your intended beneficiaries? No need to look further, we can support you to figure out this and even more.

Communications & Marketing

We have all seen how costly it can be for brands who get communication or campaigns wrong, so we understand the importance of communicating effectively with audiences. We can share our expertise with you and culturally-sensitive insights to execute bold campaigns that cut through and land well with people from the communities we specialise in.


If you are seeking a critical friend to support you in developing your current and future strategies then you’ve found the right agency.

Learning Partner

Collaboration is a key part of our organisation’s success and we are committed to working in partnership with funders and influential organisations to solve pressing issues in our society.

Strategic Planning

Crush your business goals with our actionable strategies based on both evidence-based and culturally-relevant insights (plus a sprinkle of creative imagination)

Our Team